There can be no Peace without Justice – Mukarram Apooyin.

By Sulaiman Abdulqudus

A Muslim scholar, Mukarram Muhammad Waa’iz Apooyin has said the current state of the world affairs which is tainted with chaos is a situation birthed by the failure to uphold justice.

Mukarram Apooyin who delivered the first lecture of the Jalsa Nigeria 2023 said the wanton and indiscriminate killings as predicted by Holy Prophet Muhammed (SAW) is a symptoms of latter days

He said ” According to the Holy Prophet (SAW) Indiscriminate killing is one of the signs of the latter days as we see in Saheehul Bukhāri, Hadith No. 1036 which states: “And there shall be much killing.”


The cleric highlighted the role of Ahmadiyya Community towards achieving lasting world peace as an unrivalled endeavour which every individual, organisation should emulate.

“For the past 115 years, Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya has been making great efforts to foster peace in the world, and has granted the world valuable guidance in this regard.”

He added “Huzoor Anwar has always emphasize that the only pathway for mankind to achieve peace is turning to the One God, the Creator of this universe

“It should be borne in mind that there can be no peace without justice been upheld, and that justice cannot be attained by an individual without God consciousness and piety.”

“The Companions of the Prophet (saw) enquired that whereas they could understand helping the afflicted, how could cruel person be helped? The Prophet (saw) responded by saying, ‘By stopping his hand from committing cruelty because his excess in cruelty will make him worthy of God’s punishment. So, out of mercy, you try to save him.

“The founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community taught us the growing distance from fundamental teachings among Muslims and non-muslims, emphasizing the importance of reconnecting with God,” thereby reinforcing the concept of Taqwa as the tool to achieve peace”.

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