Understanding Jalsa: Its Purpose, Significance and role in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Written by:

Nabeel-Ahmad Oyekola

Muhammad Qasim Oyekola

What is Jalsa Salana? Is it merely a gathering or something beyond the surface? Some may want to query its significance in Islam, given its non-specificity during the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Whereas, a core duty of the Promised Messiah (as) as highlighted by the Holy Prophet (as) is to rejuvenate the true Islamic teachings and traditions. Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an (9:119):

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَكُونُواْ مَعَ الصَّادِقِينَ

O ye who believe! Fear Allah and be in the company of the righteous.

Since members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believe that the Promised Messiah (as) is a prophet of God who is entrusted with the sacred duty to teach and purify humanity, in the latter period of this cycle, the gathering of the Promised Messiah (as) is believed to be the gathering of the truthful through which believers shall continue to seek spirituality and promotion of common goal as enshrined in the above verse of the Holy Quran. In the same vein, the Holy Qur’an describes the roles of a prophet in Suratul Jumu’ah Verse 3 that:

يَتْلُو عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ

Who recites unto them His Signs, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and wisdom.

Thus, Jalsa Salana is an avenue to accomplish this task on a large scale, offering opportunity for spiritual growth and learning.

Islam teaches that all gatherings should primarily aim to attain righteousness and Allah’s pleasure. Thus, the Holy Qur’an states in Suratul Mujadalah, Ch. 58: Verse 10:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا تَنَاجَيْتُمْ فَلَا تَتَنَاجَوْا بِالْإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ وَمَعْصِيَتِ الرَّسُولِ وَتَنَاجَوْا بِالْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي إِلَيْهِ تُحْشَرُونَ

O ye who believe! When you confer together in secret, confer not for the commission of sin and transgression and disobedience to the Messenger, but confer for the attainment of virtue and righteousness, and fear Allah unto Whom you shall all be gathered.

Holy Prophet (sa) is also reported to have said, “When a group of people assemble for the remembrance of Allah, the angels surround them (with their wings), (Allah’s) mercy envelops them, Sakinah or tranquillity descends upon them and Allah makes a mention of them before those who are near Him.” (Sahih Muslim Kitabu Zikr Wa Dua’ Wal Istighfar)

Meanwhile, it is pertinent to add that the sole piritual gathering for Muslims worldwide is the Hajj or Umrah, a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. However, Hazrat Promised Messiahas under divine guidance, initiated a complementary convention that is in no way an alternative to, or a replacement for Hajj or its significance. Rather, its goal is to unite Muslims globally, deepen their faith, foster love for God and the Holy Prophet (sa).

Now, this spiritual convention, initially held annually in Qadian, has evolved into a global phenomenon, occurring throughout the year in various parts of the world where the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is present, offering Muslims a platform to unite, deepen their faith, and enhance their spiritual growth.

Historical Background of Jalsa Salana

Through divine guidance, the Jalsa Salana was established in 1891 by the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). As a prophet of Allah, it is his responsibility to guide people toward spiritual enlightenment and offer direction on both religious and worldly matters. At times, the prophet himself calls upon individuals to come to him, providing them with opportunities for spiritual growth and the rare blessing to witness signs of Allah that strengthen their faith.

We read countless examples of the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) who left their homes to find new abodes around him in Madina, seeking guidance and blessings. However, not everyone may be able to undertake such journeys. To address this, Promised Messiah (as) established the Jalsa Salana, offering a unique opportunity for members and seekers of guidance to come together, benefit from spiritual blessings, and nurture their faith in a supportive environment.

Towards the conclusion of his book “The Heavenly Decree”, the Promised Messiah (as) made the following announcement:

“…Since – due to physical inability, lack of resources, and long distances – it is not possible for everyone to stay in my company or to visit me a few times every year, and most hearts are not yet endowed with such ardent desire that they should bear the greatest troubles and hardships for the meeting, it seems appropriate, therefore, that three days of every year should be fixed for a gathering in which all my devoted followers should – God willing – be present, with the condition of health, time and absence of strong impediments. So, in my opinion, these dates should be from 27th to 29th December. Hence, from this day, 30th December 1891, if we live to see the 27th of December, all our friends should, to the best of their ability, come and listen to Divine words and to join us in supplication for the sake of Allah. (pp. 74-75)

With this announcement, about 75 individuals gathered on the said dates as guests of the Promised Messiah (as) to herald the beginning of Jalsa Salana that now has many branches around the world wherein thousands converge for the same reasons as outlined by the Promised Messiah (as).

Purpose of Jalsa Salana

The purpose of Jalsa Salana – irrespective of where it is held – is rooted in the intention behind its establishment which emphasizes the pursuit of spiritual excellence, seeking God’s pleasure, and acquiring knowledge.

According to the Promised Messiah (as) himself, below is an overview of the purpose of Jalsa Salana:

The primary purpose of this Convention is to enable every sincere individual to personally experience religious benefits; they may enhance their knowledge and – due to their being blessed and enabled by Allah, The Exalted – their perception [of Allah] may progress. Among its secondary benefits is that this congregational meeting together will promote mutual introduction among all brothers, and it will strengthen the fraternal ties within this Community…” (Ishtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo`ah Ishtiharat Vol. I, Page 340).

From the above we can highlight the purposes to be the following:

  1. To increase one’s communion with Allah the Almighty
  2. To gain and increase in knowledge
  3. To meet new members and increase in Brotherhood
  4. To pray for those brothers who have passed away

All these purposes are fulfilled in every aspect of these blessed conventions and even more in those Jalsa Salana that the Khalifa of the time graces.

Significance of Jalsa Salana

Jalsa Salana holds a unique space in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. It is neither a worldly gathering, nor an ordinary one. It is a divinely inspired event that aims at promoting the true essence of Islam. The Promised Messiah (as) described saying: ‘Do not think that this gathering is like other worldly gathering. This is something that is purely based on the propagation of the truth and Islam. Allah the Almighty laid the foundation stone of this gathering and He prepared a nation who will meet Him soon because it is the action of the All Powerful (God) in whose presence nothing is impossible…’ (Ishtihar 7 December 1892 Majmoo’ah Ishtiharat Vol. 1 pg. 341)

The Promised Messiah (as) also said: ‘It is essential for all those who can afford to undertake the journey, that they must come to attend this Convention which embodies many blessed objectives. They should disregard minor inconveniences in the cause of Allah and His prophet (peace be upon him.). Allah yields reward to the sincere persons at every step of their way, and no labour and hardship, undertaken in His way, ever goes to waste. I re-emphasize that you must not rank this convention in the same league as other, ordinary, human assemblies. This is a phenomenon that is based purely on the Divine Help, for propagation of Islam.’ (Ishtihar 7 December 1892 Majmoo’ah Ishtiharat Vol. 1 pg. 341)

These blessed words of the Promised Messiahas underscore the significance of Jalsa Salana in propagating the truth and Islam, a sacred responsibility entrusted to him to revitalize the faith, a mission he pursued tirelessly, with Jalsa Salana being one of the key avenues for its fulfilment.

Role of Jalsa Salana in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Jalsa Salana plays a pivotal role in the Ahmadiyya Community. The roles of Jalsa Salana are vast and endless and they will continue to manifest just as the Promised Messiahas said.

Among these roles are:

    • A ground for spiritual upliftment: The primary objective of Jalsa Salana is to elevate the spiritual ranks of its attendees. As emphasized in the Holy Qur’an, the company of righteous individuals inspires and motivates one to adopt virtuous behaviour. The Jalsa environment is distinctly spiritual, featuring activities like congregational prayers, scholarly lectures, remembrance of Allah, and community service, all aimed at spiritual growth. Participating in these activities with unity and solidarity rejuvenates Ahmadis with a renewed sense of passion, enthusiasm, and camaraderie, fostering a deeper connection with Allah and a stronger commitment to supporting one another.
  • An avenue for Tabligh (Propagating the True teachings of Islam): Immersing oneself among practicing Muslims is the ideal way to learn about and propagate Islam. Jalsa Salana silently yet profoundly conveys the message of Islam to attending non-Muslims and non-Ahmadis, showcasing not only the exemplary behaviour of Ahmadis but also the insightful scholarly discourses, selfless volunteerism, and meticulous organization of the event itself.
  • An avenue to promote peace, mutual love and tolerance: In today’s world, the urgent need for global peace and love cannot be overstated. Jalsa Salana serves as a shining model of harmony, demonstrating how people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and faiths can coexist peacefully, without infringing on each other’s rights or resorting to violence.

A poignant testament to this was shared by a Buddhist priest from Japan, who attended Jalsa Salana UK 2024. He was deeply impressed by the event’s exemplary organization and the exceptional conduct of the volunteers. Despite the large gathering, he witnessed an exemplary display of moral values among the attendees. During a meeting with His Holiness, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba), the priest was advised to reflect on the importance of believing in One God and to prioritize service to humanity. Although his Buddhist faith does not subscribe to the concept of One God, the priest revealed that his heart acknowledges the existence of a Creator and the possibility of establishing a connection with that Being.

  • Serves as a moral hub: Jalsa Salana functions as a morality hub, where individuals can acquire moral values aligned with true Islamic teachings. This unique platform offers a valuable opportunity for people of all backgrounds, including non-Muslims and non-Ahmadis, to learn and absorb essential moral principles such as selflessness, kindness, respect, humility, mutual love, brotherhood, hospitality, and many more.

Jalsa Salana plays a great role, has a great purpose and objective in the Jama’at Ahmadiyya and the whole world at large.

The Promised Messiahas laid a great foundation for the rejuvenation of Islam to which Jalsa Salana is a great instrument. Apart from mentioning the purpose, benefits of Jalsa Salana, he also prayed in the following words: ‘‘I conclude with the prayer that everyone who travels for [attending] this Convention that is for the sake of Allah: May Allah, the Exalted, be with him, reward him in abundant measure, have mercy on him, ease up for him his circumstances of hardship and anxiety and eliminate his anguish and grief. May He grant him freedom from every single hardship and lay open for him the ways of [achieving] his cherished goals, and raise him up, on the day of Judgment, among those of His servants who are the recipients of His blessings and Mercy. May He be their Guardian in their absence until after their journey comes to an end. O Allah! O Sublime One and Bestower of bounties, the Ever Merciful and One Who Resolves all problems, do grant all these prayers, and grant us victory over our opponents with scintillating signs, because You alone have all the prowess and power. Aameen! Aameen!!’ (Ishtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo`ah Ishtiharat Vol. I, Page 342)

About the Authors

  1. Nabeel-Ahmad Oyekola is a Missionary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria. He holds a Shahid Degree from Jamia Ahmadiyya International Ghana.
  1. Muhammad Qasim Oyekola is a Missionary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria. He graduated from Jamia Ahmadiyya Nigeria. He also holds a Master of Arts in Yoruba (Literature Option). He currently serves as Coordinator, Wasiyyat Department. He is a Translator and a Member, Editorial Board of The Truth Newspaper and Muslim Writers’ Guild, Nigeria (MASQ).

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