Turning Frustration into Faith: Embracing Love at Jalsa Salana

By AbdulM’umeen Muftaudeen Adeola

May I share this little experience of someone with you? There was a young man who desperately needed a job but could not find any despite his efforts to secure one. Staying at home daily was adverse to his nature and he was beginning to get very sad in himself, feeling some level of frustration. He had moved to where he was just recently and did not know the people around so he does not socialize with anyone. This has made the challenge he had impacted him more. But then, he has always held on to faith telling himself he would tell about the situation to Allah, He is the only one who could grant Help to him. So, he never gave up on scouting for jobs. So, on the evening of a Saturday, he got up and changed his clothes intending to walk around and as well check if there were any available jobs. Walking down the road, he came across one and there and then secured the job by Allah’s grace.  He needed to get medicine that evening too so he stopped at a Pharmacy and got it. The little interaction he had with one of the Pharmacy attendants impacted his feelings and it uplifted his spirits. This is the summary of our topic.

Jalsa is a gathering solely aimed at spiritual reinvigoration and upliftment helping individuals to be reminded of their duties as true Muslim faithful. This coming together has the objective of also teaching individuals how to approach the matters of life and navigate their ways properly, per the dictates of God in society. In a society such as ours where rights are denied to those whom they are due and equality and equity become just simple words of the mouth and of the book and are thus lost in true practice, frustration is a usual thing among all and sundry. Therefore, there is a screaming need to comfort the minds of people so that they hold on to hope and the reassurance of faith. This among others makes up the essence of the Jalsa.

At Jalsa, the various lectures and talks are aimed at strengthening the faith of attendees seeking to broaden their understanding of the various concepts of the faith. This understanding helps them to have recourse in faith in times of challenges thus overcoming frustration while holding on to faith. True Faith itself helps man to be calm in all conditions of life believing that everything is known to God and whatever eludes a man is only by His permission and whatever comes forth to him has been granted by Him, the Most High.  Allah SWT says in Suratul Hadid verse 23, “No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in a register before we bring it into being…” Following the verse in verse 24, Allah says “In order that you do not despair over what has deluded you and not exult (in pride) over what He has given you. And Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful”

It is for man to make efforts toward achieving his aims in life. However, in the event of failure or lack of results after all methods, strategies, and energies have been exhausted. Then, one submits to God believing that it is from Him that success comes. The strong belief and faith in God help to effect the disappearance of frustration and man seeks comfort in God rather than work himself up again and again in anger over what seems not to be working in his favour. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an that it is in the remembrance of Allah that the heart finds comfort. Again, in patience and Prayer, we learn from the glorious Qur’an the unbeatable strength with which man fights against his troubles, problems, and challenges and ultimately overcome them. So then, Hope can never be lost because our God is an Ever-living and Self-Sustaining God. Man must understand that self-anger or anger directed at others unnecessarily does not solve problems or bring an end to Challenges, rather they create artificial sadness and depression. So then, one must be sure to stand guard against getting angry at himself or others unnecessarily, not just to protect the peace of others but also to maintain his own peace.

Jalsa Salana provides an avenue to learn from the experiences of others and connect with families and friends. It creates a temporary community of diverse individuals bonded by sincere love and true affection. Meeting and connecting with others help the body and the soul of man. While this kind of spiritually motivated socializing helps lighten up the soul of a person, he also gains physical strength. So then, at Jalsa each person and everyone interact in love, joy, and happiness granting strength to both the body and the soul of each attendee. This joy and happiness of a one-time one-year meeting energize the being of all and sundry. This among others is a special blessing of the Jalsa Salana. Lessons learned from others guide one to restrategize and address one’s challenges in a new way which could ultimately bring about the desired solution to the problem at hand. 

The strength that we speak of as being granted by Jalsa Salana to overpower frustration and anger is not temporary, rather, it is sustainable as the practical steps that are learned to navigate through life in simplicity but yet with great strength to endure all conditions, stand tall against all challenges and at the end deliver success and accomplishments of one’s goal, such that one is amazed at achieving things that seemed utterly impossible before, hence becoming full of gratitude for the sheer grace of our God and the bounty of His Generosity and Providence.

The Jalsa indeed is an abode of true love.


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