By Ridwanullah Bamigbade
Jasa salana, the Ahmadiyya community’s annual convention holds huge spiritual significance. It is also a means to rejuvenate members spiritually and morally as stated by the promised messiah (peace be upon him) “The purpose of this convention is to enable every sincere individual to derive spiritual benefits… and to instil a sense of mutual brotherhood among the members of the community.” (Istihar, 7 December 1892).
In light of this, the article aims to emphasize the significance of exhibiting exemplary manners during Jalsa Salana. It’s essential to understand that the Jalsa salana is not just a gathering, but a spiritual rejuvenation opportunity to every sincere participant. Through the display of good manners, we can create a positive and uplifting environment for all attendees.
Concept of being guests of Allah
Honoring guests is coupled with two of the most important beliefs in Islam; believe in God and the day of judgment. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said “Whoever believes in God and the last day, let him honour his guest.” With this in mind, it is obvious that no guest of ours should be left dishonored.
Looking back to the time of the holy prophet (s.a.w), we should emulate an obvious example that ends up being a part of the glorious Quran. When the Makkan Muslims were left with nothing and had to migrate to Medina as guests, the Muslims in Medina hosted them in a way never seen anywhere else. Their approach is so amazing that they prioritize the needs of their guests to their personal needs. This beautiful event became a lesson to every Muslim so much so that Allah mentions it in Quran chapter 59:10. This raises the question: “To what length are we willing to sacrifice to attain the pleasure of Allah?”. If men could treat their guests in such a way, imagine what Allah could do. In addition, guests have their responsibilities. Although guests should be honoured, a guest shouldn’t exceed the boundaries set by our beloved Master Al-Mustafa (on whom be peace). This will help both parties to maximize their blessings in the sight of Allah.
The Roles of Volunteers
In the sermon delivered by Khalifatul-Maseeh V on the 26th of July 2024, he said that the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) stated that “the heart of a guest is like a mirror; it is fragile and must be carefully cared for. It can shatter upon the smallest thing and be put in trial over the smallest thing.”
Thus, a volunteer needs to work with passion. Volunteers are expected to work wearing a happy face always. In the course of taking on their duties, guests or newcomers may display unpleasant behaviour. However, volunteers should always display the highest form of morality by acting with love and sabr (patience).
The Roles of Guest
First and foremost, every attendee of Jalsa Salana has undertaken a journey with the sole purpose of ignoring worldly status, while chasing spiritual pleasures. This is the essence of every Muslim. They should understand that they are the guests of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), and in turn the guests of Allah. If this is the mentality of every attendee or guest, no much attention would be paid to seeking worldly comfort. A soul that seeks not worldly comfort does not get angry. For in every discomfort he faces on this path, he understands that there’s a huge blessing and reward from Allah (s.w.t).
Some Practical Tips for Demonstrating Exemplary Manners at Jalsa Salana
a Respect for elders and leaders:
Quran 4:60 commands Muslims to obey Allah, the holy prophet (s.a.w) and those in authority over them. Additionally, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (on whom be peace) said that he who does not respect elders or show kindness to children is not among us.
b Kindness and compassion towards attendees
In Islam, kindness and compassion are considered important virtues and are at the centre of the faith. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said “Allah does not show mercy to he who doesn’t show mercy to others.”
c Punctuality and attention during prayers and speeches:
Quran chapter 23:3-4 speaks volume about the importance of humility in solat and ignoring vain talks. In light of this, it is essential for every attendee to uphold this virtuous ethic during salat and speeches especially.
d Maintenance of a clean environment:
As reflected in the teachings of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him), cleanliness is a part of faith. It is emphasized in such a way that the toilet must be used in an hygienic way.
Also, the Quran teaches that humans have been given guardianship over nature. It is a huge responsibility for a guardian to care of whatever falls under his guardianship, one of which is the environment.
e Being respectful and courteous to volunteers:
Volunteers have been assigned a duty, and the fulfillment of this duty is their responsibility, this makes them an automatic authority in the task they have been assigned. Our encounter with the volunteers should be one that has a huge impression about us being a believer.
It is an Islamic teaching that one should not do unto others what he himself cannot take. Thus, our approach both in speaking and action towards the volunteers should be what we’ll love for ourselves if we were to be in their stead.
Jalsa Salana is a sacred gathering that provides a unique opportunity to renew one’s spiritual focus, strengthen brotherhood bonds, and revalidate one’s commitment to the principles of Islam. By displaying exemplary conducts throughout the event, we can foster a harmonious and inspiring atmosphere that reflects the beauty and mercy of our faith. Let’s remember the profound words of the Promised Messiah (a.s): “The true purpose of this convention is to enable every sincere individual to derive spiritual benefits… and to instill a sense of mutual brotherhood among the members of the community.” (Istihar, 7 December 1892).
May Allah grant us the ability to achieve this noble purpose,
and make our experience at Jalsa Salana truly transformative.