Ahmadiyya Jalsa Salana: A Blueprint for Global Peace

By Nasir Khalilurahman
Mubaligh-e-Silsila, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Nigeria

In a world where peace is the foundation of human prosperity, its prolonged absence is a pressing concern. Despite concerted efforts by global organizations and governments, such as the UN, EU, and AU, peace, the cornerstone of human well-being, hasremained elusive. This highlights the urgent need for renewed commitment and innovative approaches to achieve this fundamental human aspiration.

Long ago, Muhammad (sa), the Holy Prophet of Islam, presented an extraordinary charter to achieve global peace. He imparted these teachings to his followers, making peace an essential concept that every Muslim is obligated to adopt.

The Current State of the World and the Messiah

Today, we find ourselves in a time when many Muslims have strayed from the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Holy Founder of Islam. Muslims—who are meant to be the torchbearers of peace—have exchanged their true teachings for fleeting worldly gains. Though this state of affairs may seem disheartening, it was foretold in prophecy that solutions would emerge through divine intervention.

The head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba), addressed this in one of his speeches: ‘According to the prophecy, when such a desperate state of affairs came to pass, God Almighty would send a person as the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi to rejuvenate Islam. He would clarify the correct meanings of the Quran and would inform the world of the true Islam practiced by the Holy Prophet (sa) and his rightly guided successors 1400 years ago.

The Promised Messiah would guide the world towards living together in love, peace, and harmony and would foster a spirit of mutual understanding and reconciliation. The Promised Messiah (as) would do all of this in light of the shining example of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and the true teachings of the Quran. Furthermore, the Promised Messiah (as) would bring an end to all forms of religious warfare. ‘(Address by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, May 11, 2013, Montage Beverly Hills, USA)

When God Almighty, in His infinite mercy, raised Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) as the reformer and Imam of the age, he too followed the practice of the Holy Prophet (sa) and sought to establish peace.

The Initiation of Jalsa Salana

How did he achieve this? The Holy Prophet (sa) prophesied that the era of the Mahdi would not be a time for physical warfare but a time for a different kind of jihad. In line with this, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) introduced various initiatives, one of which was the establishment of the Jalsa Salana in 1891.

The founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as),described the purpose of this gathering as follows: ‘All sincere souls who have entered the fold of this humble one should know that the purpose of pledging allegiance is to dampen the worldly ardor, so that the heart is engulfed in the love of the Bountiful God and of the Holy Prophet (sa), and to develop such a state of detachment that the Final Journey does not seem an unwelcome prospect. ‘(The Heavenly Decree, p. 73)

The Jalsa Salana, which began as a modest but divinely inspired convention in 1891, has now become a global phenomenon. Its impact is evident in over a hundred countries. Fostering Unity, Peace, and Tolerance.

The Jalsa Salana unites thousands of Ahmadis from diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds. It exemplifies a world where people coexist peacefully, driven by divine love and trust. It fosters love, mutual respect, and understanding, serving as a beacon of hope for global harmony.

The founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at highlighted the importance of this gathering in strengthening brotherhood: ‘An additional benefit of these gatherings will be that each year new entrants to the Jama’at shall, by being present on the fixed dates, get to know their brethren who had joined earlier. And these meetings will lead to a progressive strengthening of the bond of mutual love and affection. ‘(The Heavenly Decree, p. 74)

Promoting Religious Tolerance

Religious intolerance, a significant obstacle to peace, fosters discrimination, hatred, and violence. The Jalsa Salana, however, offers a solution by inviting representatives from various religions to witness peaceful coexistence and mutual respect.

For instance, during the 2024 UK Jalsa Salana, a Buddhist monk from Japan remarked: ‘With so many people gathered in one place, it is possible for issues to arise. However, I found everyone attending the Jalsa to exhibit the highest standards of morals. Although my faith does not include belief in one God,my heart accepts that there is a Creator, and it is possible for humans to establish a connection with that Being. ‘(Friday Sermon Summary, August 2, 2024)

Service to Humanity

Service to humanity is a powerful catalyst for fostering love, unity, and peace. The Jalsa Salana emphasizes selfless service, with volunteers from all walks of life dedicating their time and energy. Doctors clean toilets, engineers serve food, and all perform their duties with smiles on their faces.

The worldwide head of the Ahmadiyya Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aa), emphasized the importance of such service: ‘Smiling is a very important trait, especially for the workers of Jalsa. Certainly, the volunteers will be fatigued and deprived of sleep, but no matter the circumstances, they should always remain smiling. ‘(Friday Sermon, July 21, 2023)

The virtues showcased during the Jalsa Salana—unity, tolerance, and selfless service—are universal principles that, if adopted globally, could pave the way for lastingpeace. As Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aa) aptly stated: ‘The Annual Convention is held so that we can benefit from its special environment and purify our hearts… For the revival of Islam, it is also necessary to raise the standards of our practical conduct. We must observe prayer as prescribed and fulfill the rights of our fellow beings. (Friday Sermon, February 3, 2017)

The Jalsa Salana remains a powerful model for global harmony, offering timeless lessons
for building a peaceful and united world.

About the Author
Nasir Khalilurahma Adewale is a Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. He graduated from Jamia Ahmadiyya International Ghana in the year 2023 and ever since has been serving as Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. He is an avid reader and takes interest in History and Jurisprudence. He currently serves as the Co Ordinating Missionary of Lokoja and Kogi Circuits in Kogi state.

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