From unity to righteousness: The core values promoted by Jalsa Salana

By Mughni Soretire

In 1891, under divine command, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Community initiated Jalsa salana for two main purposes:

First, to come together for the sake of worshiping God by involving in congregational prayer and listen to such words of God that are essential for the increase of faith, conviction and knowledge. Secondly, to create an avenue for new converts and old members of the Jama’at to come together to make friends among themselves which will serve as the means of unity for the jamaat.

It’s an undisputed fact that the society we live in has a great influence on our way of life. That is why the Qur’an says كونوا مع الصادقين (be with the righteous). From this verse it is evident that for one to be righteous, it is much more important to be among the people that are also righteous. Unity is exemplified when people of different backgrounds, temperaments and personal preferences are able to overcome these differences and gather in one place for the main purpose of worshiping God, listening to faith inspiring speeches and making friends for the sake of God. This is the foundation of righteousness. 

One of the great teachings Islam has brought is that there is no unnecessary distinction between human being. The Holy prophet said “a black man isn’t superior to a white man nor a white man is superior to a black man”. From this Hadith,  we can understand that different class of people coming together in one place, to form a united organisation, standing shoulder to shoulder in rows, bowing on the same floor and facing the same Qibla behind one Imam are a manifestation of unity.


Explaiing the purpose of Jalsa Salana, the Promised Messiah (as) said, “This gathering will be devoted to the exposition of such truths and spiritual insight as are necessary for the promotion of faith and certainty and spiritual understanding, and there will be special prayers and attention for the participants. And to the best of our ability we shall endeavour to supplicate at the threshold of the Most Merciful that He may draw them towards Him, may accept them and may bring about a pious change in them. An additional benefit of these gatherings will be that each year new entrants to the Jama‘at shall, by being present on the fixed dates, get to know their brethren who had joined earlier. And these meetings will lead to progressive strengthening of the bond of mutual love and affection. Prayers for absolution will be offered for brothers who will have passed away in the interim, and supplications shall be made at the threshold of the Glorious God that He may unite all these brothers in spirit and banish all estrangement, dryness and differences from amongst them.” (The heavenly decree)

Further on unity, the Holy Prophet of Islam has likened the true spirit of Islamic brotherhood to that of a building every part of which reinforces other parts and, as an undivided symbol of unity, commanded Muslims when lined up for prayer to stand together shoulder to shoulder like a solid wall leaving no space for even a rod to be passed between them.

Islam is a universal religion revealed by God for the guidance of all mankind and is above personal bias, tribal prejudice and ignorant sectarianism. It teaches that all human beings are equal and nobody is superior to another due to origin, colour, genealogy or race. The only difference in the sight of God between individuals is their degree of righteousness. As God says in the Holy Quran:

Verily the most honourable person among you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous among you. (49:14)

This ideal of Islamic unity and brotherhood which is sadly lacking in the world today can only be achieved by devotedly acting upon the injunctions of Islam. Muslims should act upon and call people to what is good, and avoid and forbid what is bad. The strong and more fortunate should help the weak and less fortunate. The rich should help the poor. No one should usurp the property and rights of others. Religious tolerance is essential.

The Ahmadiyya Community in Islam has been dedicated to the revival of Islam for more than a century since it was founded, under divine instructions, by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi (as). Its growth has spread all over the world and the Community has continued to spread its heavenly influence in rejuvenating the pristine purity of Islam in the hearts of people of all nations and creating among them a bond of divine unity.


In the Holy Quran more emphasis has been laid on virtue and righteousness than on any other commandment. The reason for this is that righteousness bestows the strength to resist all vice and urges progress towards all good. Righteousness is in all circumstances a charm that guarantees security and it is a haven for safeguarding against all harms. A righteous person can avoid many vain and harmful contentions that often lead other people to ruin. They sow the seed of dissension among the people through their hasty actions and suspicions and lay themselves open to objection.

In addition, righteousness helps to avoid pride and arrogance as well as restraining one from unlawful acquisitions. A person who demonstrates courtesy and good manners converts their enemies into friends. Blessed is the one who adopts righteousness in a time of success and prosperity and most unfortunate is one who does not turn to righteousness after stumbling (Malfoozat, Vol. I, p. 77).

God Almighty has in the Holy Quran designated righteousness as a garment. و لباس التقوى ذالك الخير”   “the raiment of righteousness  that is the best” (7:27) the garment of righteousness is an expression of the Holy Quran. This is an indication that spiritual beauty and spiritual ornament are achieved through righteousness. This means that one must be mindful even of the smallest details of the Divine trusts and covenants and also of all the trusts and covenants of one’s fellow beings, as far as it may be possible (Zameema Braheen Ahmadiyyah, pp. 51-52).

Righteousness and ignorance cannot subsist together. True righteousness is accompanied by a light, as God, the Glorious, has said:

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِن تَتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ يَجْعَل لَّكُمْ فُرْقَانًا وَيُكَفِّرْ عَنكُمْ سَيِّـَٔاتِكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْۗ وَٱللَّهُ ذُو ٱلْفَضْلِ ٱلْعَظِيم

“O Ye who believe, if you become righteous for the sake of Allah He will bestow on you a distinction and will remove from you your vices and will forgive you; and Allah is lord of great bounty” (8: 30).

This means that those who are steadfast are bestowed a distinction whereby they can be distinguished from others, and that distinction is that they are provided with a light with the help of which they will walk in all the ways of life. That light would illumine all their actions and words and faculties and senses. Their intellect would be illumined and there would be light in all that they utter. There would be light in their eyes and in their ears and in their tongues and in their speech and in all their movements. The ways along which they walk would be lit up. All their ways, the ways of their faculties and their senses will be filled with light, and they will walk altogether in light. (Ayenae Kamalate Islam, pp. 177-178).

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