By Hussein Muftau Akinwunmi
It is yet another season of Jalsa that all Ahmadis across the country are eagerly waiting for. A season when we all gather for a sole purpose of spiritual upliftment as practiced by the Promised Messiah (AS). No doubt, it is one of the several signs of the truthfulness of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (AS).
What is Leadership? Leadership is the ability to guide, influence or lead a group or organization to achieve a shared goal. Drawing from the above definition, it is safe to say leadership is the ability of a person (leader) to influence others (followers) to attain common goals.
Leadership is expected to be by example as it unarguably remains the best approach to influence others. This we learnt from the blessed life of the Holy prophet (SAW), a typical case was during the digging of the trench, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be on him), participated in the digging so much so, that when the companion encountered difficulty breaking a particular rock, they came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) seeking his help and assistance. Leadership by example was best exemplified in him.
Same goes for Jalsa Salana waqar amal activities, where people from different walks of life come around to partake in the blessings of Jalsa by offering themselves to serve in duty as may be assigned to them. Exemplary leadership is very key towards achieving the overall success of Jalsa Salana.
A leader is not expected to just assign duty, rather he should be at the forefront to execute the task. This gets the other team members inspired and motivated as they feel honored with the leader’s involvement. Also, one of the benefits of leadership by example is that, the leader understands the challenges associated with the task first hand rather than what was reported and he is directly involved in proffering a solution.
Another benefit of leading by example is that, such a leader gets double rewards as he guides and influences others, he equally does the task. In one of the sermons of His Holiness, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba), he admonished the team at Jalsa not to just issue out orders to his team members but also show empathy. It must be noted, that Jalsa activities are means of attaining the pleasure of Allah the almighty.
Therefore, all hands must be on deck to rightfully attain the divine blessings. Issuing orders like a typical boastful boss to his/her servant is highly discouraged. The atmosphere should be electrifying and should be that of loving colleagues working together to achieve a shared goal. If this is imbibed by all team leads, Jalsa working experience would be very appreciated by all and lasting friendship can be forged by all workers. It is hoped that all workers at this year’s Jalsa would work as friends and colleagues and those appointed as leaders would inspire and guide for the purpose of achieving a successful Jalsa Salana.
Happy 70th Jalsa Salana.